Sunday, March 28, 2010

Brazilian Lesbo Movies

Thinking versus Authentic creativity

have first considered whether I want this item with "the nonsense with the lateral thinking" to write.
feel What do you if you think laterally to do? This is recommended but just as intense in the business sector.
look best, left and right, and hopefully you will not to the cross head. In any case, does the call to "think outside the box" that you should look on the outside. Have not you ever considered a light? Where was this?
outside or inside you?
Sure, I do not want you running with your eyes closed through the world. They should also perceive the outside.
If you are aware, alert and perceptive to go through life, then take your consciousness and your subconscious mind on everything anyway. If you want to be creative, just do not think consciously cross. Is too difficult and has worse results. Authentic creativity comes from within, comes from the flow. Jesus said we should again become as little children. This applies especially to our brain waves. More alpha waves, less beta. So make sure if you should be creative, be encouraged to think laterally, in the field of beta waves is not and the results are not good. All the latest research on creativity shows clearly that brings "intended" creativity worse results. In particular, if there are specific rewards. Always results in the wrong direction. The so-called banking crisis, but even a misguided results "creativity". Beta creativity bonus increase makes the same mistake as the cancer töted, the host of which he lives. Durable, substanzerhöhende creativity must be authentic and Purpose-related. Brings more and better results. That is why Google calls its employees on 20% of working for their own choice not to the usual work associated tasks to use. Brought great inventions, such as gmail goole earth and etc.
from the Far Eastern philosophies, we know the unintentional intent. Something like the authentic creativity is to be understood. It is there, without being deliberately creative. Do you have a child plays with pots and pans? What constituted the pot head? Have the badminton racket once used as a guitar or something like that done? Since you were not intentionally creative, they were simple. And if you have time, you can do it today too. They lack nothing, you have only the "Muscle" is not used anymore, and he may have become loose. So you allow yourself to be creative again.
The most important skill is to courage and intelligence (which can also train the way). His courage to = brain swings in the alpha range. Many artists take drugs to be creative to get out of the beta range, the stress of the demands to come out. Come to bed without drugs. Allow yourself time to be a child again and have it work. Fun way, and bring authentic creativity and not really fun, but deep authentic joy. Develop yourself, come out of the winding and discover yourself and your creativity.
Life is easier when we allow us.
The companies that understand this and allow their employees have blogs, and above-average success rates of return. Parents who allow their children authentic learning surprised to learn that the kids with enthusiasm and ease. We are just so naturally. But unfortunately we can no longer can be grown naturally and we are "brought up" and to "think outside the box".
you authentic life, the rest follows of itself

Wolfgang G. Sonnenburg
winning for life

evening lectures on creativity Authentic

The surprising truth
what really motivated!

latest findings, what we really love, created
such as creativity and can be used by anyone better.

22.4. Vienna; 6.5. Karlsruhe, 11.5. Aarau, 25.5. Zurich;
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