When I was two months ago in a Winside
(Newsletter of the WIN WIN AG) wrote
"I dare not predict exactly how this year goes well,"
I was astonished questions because I but otherwise very directly tell you where to go.
If you followed the debate on the support of Greece
"I dare not predict exactly how this year goes well,"
I was astonished questions because I but otherwise very directly tell you where to go.
If you followed the debate on the support of Greece
have, then you can follow now that I wrote, "there will be a year of the balancing act."
by now you could see how deeply indebted countries
by now you could see how deeply indebted countries
countries and communities. And how helpless and unimaginative.
How blackmail States have made use of the financial world and how the financial world
risks that can ruin the States.
It's like a vicious circle that the policy to break not know.
dismissed months ago, I also point out that it is possible could come
dismissed months ago, I also point out that it is possible could come
the street riots and one supposedly
already in some countries, "Holidays" preparing for demonstrators.
Now what is really in the minds of financial jugglers and politicians
Now what is really in the minds of financial jugglers and politicians
can, say an outsider is not really in.
It is also relatively unimportant, as not what is going on in my head,
but what is implemented in activities is crucial.
And here is once again seen that the parties
greatest difficulties have their traditional ways of thinking
leave or to break new ground.
I like twice quoted Einstein: "Always do the same thing and expecting different results is the definition of insanity"
"The has created the spirit of the problem, solve it. "
And how are you? Do you find it not as accessible
I like twice quoted Einstein: "Always do the same thing and expecting different results is the definition of insanity"
"The has created the spirit of the problem, solve it. "
And how are you? Do you find it not as accessible
greater madness that is observed there.
Back to Greece. We see a government that can not seem or is not willing to commit to a position clear and open. We do demonstrations against measures to make the budget back solid. It is a strike and causing economic damage.
trace If you think times in private, how would you like to help out such a needy money with your own hard-earned money? When we are all honest, hardly any of us. Then
we want the so-called mind is a superior, and what all happens when we do not, we are guided by fear and extortion, and then pay it?
What should emerge from such an energy really?
Imagine a different scenario.
The Greeks and the EC announced publicly, we have built all
Back to Greece. We see a government that can not seem or is not willing to commit to a position clear and open. We do demonstrations against measures to make the budget back solid. It is a strike and causing economic damage.
trace If you think times in private, how would you like to help out such a needy money with your own hard-earned money? When we are all honest, hardly any of us. Then
we want the so-called mind is a superior, and what all happens when we do not, we are guided by fear and extortion, and then pay it?
What should emerge from such an energy really?
Imagine a different scenario.
The Greeks and the EC announced publicly, we have built all
crap. Some people have cheated, the others have deliberately turned a blind eye
and now we admit us, that will not do
. We want to act differently now and shout: "!. Let us all think up a solution together"
What if the Greeks (the people - the media) is clearly signal
would we change our patterns, we need
help, please come make a holiday with us as we give special
trouble. We ask for your support! What if the Governments, which now
billion guarantee (the idea actually came from a bank
billion guarantee (the idea actually came from a bank
people at our round table)
each citizen commit a few thousand euro,
if they spend it in Greece.
feel What you now. Would you be inclined to help the country?
If speculators can not sell the land "empty",
feel What you now. Would you be inclined to help the country?
If speculators can not sell the land "empty",
in supporting?
I also know that the second variant is not up to the last detail is thought out in €. But I know if you would bother to make the solution on another
intellectual level that there is a more sensible and, above all permanent solution. So we come to
Win Win Zukunftskonstruktivität.
Otherwise, you may know by a dietary cure,
once go off shortly. But permanently slim and fit is only possible if
I also know that the second variant is not up to the last detail is thought out in €. But I know if you would bother to make the solution on another
intellectual level that there is a more sensible and, above all permanent solution. So we come to
Win Win Zukunftskonstruktivität.
Otherwise, you may know by a dietary cure,
once go off shortly. But permanently slim and fit is only possible if
behavior patterns are changed. Millionaire in the Spirit Seminar
I have indeed noticed again and again,
the desire for freedom, wealth is there, but prefer to
a rapidly effective, simple trick.
Greece and we all can enjoy only in our future health and financial prosperity permanently if we maintain practices that are a precondition for this.
BE AUTHORIZED your service and will happily look into the future, one can be well prepared.
Wolfgang G. Sonnenburg
winning for life
PS Because new success behaviors at the cellular level, sometimes up to
after one year from the limbic system as a new pattern fixed
, we support you individually the Courage to Be
year program for a whole Year.
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you want more in your potential new business ideas,
more financial security
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