So I have since Monday noon tonsillitis. If I were in Germany, I would have an appointment with the ENT doctor identified and have them give me an antibiotic. This is unfortunately not. You get an appointment until after three days of illness, in my case until tomorrow. And if I am generally but then consult a doctor about thread I had the best at the moment where I'm sitting opposite this and this is totally surprised if my visit. As if I would have asked for a new exhaust for my car. Or for his advice in terms of our garden plants.
example? Two weeks ago I put in Suki a whitish coating on the tongue firmly clear case of oral thrush. I read shortly after the network and be informed about the fact that this spread in the absence of treatment to the esophagus could. So we are - in the certainty that we are not suffering with such enervated eyes (because of hypochondriac and such) would capture - with our four months old baby went to the doctor. Actually, one would only come when the baby much lower or even stop altogether would drink , we told our family doctor. There it was again, this feeling for a completely meaningless Lapalie the doctor, have so disrupted the whole practice in daily routine (not the way we had to wait a minute, he had to say at this time no other patients).
Long story short: I only go to the doctor if the almonds fiery red, white mottled and swollen to the size of a ping-pong balls are. Until then I suffer quietly to myself ...
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