"Authentic New Year" and free downloads
How would a 2011 - in "authentic living"
- without any fear?
Dear Friends WIN WIN AG,
Christmas is already over and now
only a few days left until 2011.
earlier this year, I wrote in a newsletter,
is that in 2010 a balancing act. Are we going to "get lost" in
demonstrations or the impact of the crisis
master positive? And I supposed that no one expected
the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 at the time
and more positive than was predicted in most media is.
In our investment course we have during the year 2010
repeatedly emphasized that what was in the business
much better than most thought and the
share prices rise sharply in 2010. We
are doubly pleased that we were right.
pleased once we of course, if our forecast
but agreed to another course,
arrived that the gloomy picture.
As someone who in past years has always reminded
critical, I'm hopefully today
not in the call to ignore problems in the world,
if I turn of the year from outside will sometimes refer
consistently on the inside.
are usually made to the so-called
New Year's resolutions.
ideas, plans, objectives for the coming year.
Did you know? Will you?
Make it, - But - please try this time
- recognize your real dreams and desires.
When we are born we come into a world of
rules, laws and beliefs of our ancestors.
Depending on which country we are born we learn
another language, grow up with a different religion, etc..
hardly something that we actually choose themselves. Will we
people not nearly as trained as an animal?
good behavior - reward, bad behavior - punishment.
evil And all that is against the system. My father asked me recently
what God really mean?
The Christians say that one must remove their hats when you go to church
. The Jews say that you must cover your head and say
the Muslims, is important to take off their shoes
. God can they not decide what he wants?
Depending on the religion in which we are born,
will "fight" for us from hat or hat. How many of these
regulations exist in your life?
not just the religious, and general beliefs about success
what you can, what you should not, etc..
What fears, which determine guilt in the many small decisions daily
your life?
Authentic thinking I once called it, to think that
what I want to really think. Can I call into question
what I think?
first authentic thinking can lead to an authentic
life and if we talk about trade or business,
only then can a genuine company arise,
if we are willing to think authentic.
So what beliefs
Commands are your annual plan based on?
Here is an excerpt from the book
"The Four Agreements" by Don Miguel Ruiz:
"Imagine that you have permission to
really happy and your life enjoy.
Their existence is free from conflicts with themselves and others.
know what you want and do not know when you want it.
you are free to change your life the way you want it really.
Imagine you live a life without fear,
to be condemned by others. To set up your behavior
no longer according to what others might think about you.
Imagine, you live your life without fear
to take a risk and explore life. You have
not afraid to lose something. They have no fear,
to be alive, and you are not afraid of death.
Imagine that you are self-love,
like you. You love your body just as he is,
and you love your feelings just as they are.
you know that you are perfect just as you are. "
If you are free from fear, dare to think freely, what
for" deliberately choose then for the year 2011?
What then are your dreams and goals for 2011?
Use www.win like the free downloads
90 days Planner / debit card on our website
win.ag for your annual planning. Missing the dreams and goals, then make
also like to once again,
the free email course: www.traeume Goals-wirklichkeit.de
Please ensure that your goals, your very own dreams really
therefore be another set of Don Miguel Ruiz:
. "If you look at your life, you will find many excuses
for your condition, a good reason
will look in vain"
should we still hear of Christmas sound:
Rejoice in life!
I wish you much about it, "scheduled" for 2011 for you!
A joyous and meaningful 2011 I wish you from my heart
Wolfgang Sonnenburg
winning for life
Winspiration Day on 7 May!
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