Straight of Gibraltar, I moved to Zurich
and was in this context
often asked why I "life in the sun
" give up. It sounded mostly like that when I
would be a millionaire, I would not come back yet.
Granted, when I was in occupational stress
my office, I had the idea
if I could, I would cut into the bag,
go to the Caribbean and spend the rest of life on the beach.
So what is so different now that I'm going back to work?
Before I explain this in more detail on the subject of myth
I would point out that because of the emotional
occupation of the word millionaire
most people no longer able to count correctly or do not
. But is generally thought, a millionaire
can afford anything and not have to work.
Here is a simple statement to the citizens in Germany, but this should
in other German speaking countries to be similar: A
Hartz IV recipients - families with 2 children
receives about 1,800, --.
A million does today created about 2% interest rate, which
20,000 - must be equivalent to a month, but what
taxes and insurance deducted
- and only in 1666.
So if you have only one million in the account, you live
worse than a Hartz IV recipients and
must have experience as inflation reduces the scale
money worth.
You must already have many millions, if you want to go to
voluntary unemployment and
many years by the Assets to live. And here
we have the next error. Again and again I meet
the idea if you have much money, you have
done nothing.
error, the work is just another.
Everyone has heard all of bankers can destroy money
. So what do we make of all
with the money, so it bears fruit? You have to learn
then usually something. And then manage the assets
. So work, or else the money
as with most millionaires away quickly.
is well known that zBca. have lost 80% of lottery millionaires
in a few years their money. From artists
athletes, networkers who get a lot of money very quickly,
is watching this as well. How
says Kiyosaki, author of the book series
Rich Dad, Poor Dad, always
If you have no money, you have problems
and if you're rich, you also have problems.
has a lot of liquidity available, you can buy yourself while
things that the average earner
approach may never come.
But you can just buy only matter.
Even Paul McCartney sang with the Beatles:
"Can not Buy Me Love". Somehow
really clear to all of the symbols
(car, house, yacht, etc.) to emulate afterwards
does not deliver the experience that one is looking,
certainly not the feeling of true happiness, fulfillment and true love
And yet, that the question of why you come
back to the north, why are you working for?
As if you only want to work, or must,
for the money. My friend and mentor Bob Proctor says
always quite forcefully:
"Never work for the money, but only because of your emotional
But we are not educated. The whole
education system is geared to a professional to learn
an activity. But do not look after the appointment and this
Depakene Chopra told his children:...
"please think about what is your
special gift that you want to bring into the world
power you care please do not worry about money I
for you please you worry about
what will you give to the community. "
who understands this will understand that
the children were financially independent quite early.
But just on the basis of an appeal.
success is the result of ..., so shall also the follow
money if we pursue our appeal. We at Win Win
AG, hence
always speak of finding purpose. If we
our personal Purpose, our special
essence, our administration (where the gift, because the task)
have detected, we rely on the activities
and develop a "business model", how to finance the purpose
live. So far it always works.
My theory, my experience is not the life out from
the Purpose, it is not true.
Burn Out is nothing more than to live for the Purpose
, because in accordance with the purpose brings
the "work" energy!
And so is perhaps clear why there are people
who are volunteers and multi-millionaires, even billionaires
, the likes of early morning until late evening work
. They live their purpose, they do, bringing them
fulfillment, whether they have money or not.
Warren E. Buffett, one of the richest men in the world,
in which we orient ourselves in our investment rates,
is one who for the joy which is doing what he works.
He increases the assets of his company and donates billion.
And in a personal meeting, I was able to convince me of
his personal modesty.
It is maybe a good question
dear blog readers, you may ask yourself: would
"What I have to work if I do not the money
because work would have to? "
not So as usual, what would you do
if you had money and no work would have to test?
But, what would a day like to do, what would
you stand up like if you had money.
I have seen this work need not
but also to live in great luxury.
But I've seen it in the Bahamas, Marbella and
other places. The so-called dropouts
after two years of alcoholics or catch
again to do something.
life is also a Tu-word.
So why do I get back to work in the North?
Because I want to do life, because I want to live
A vision of the I'm involved, the Winspiration Day.
An international focus day on positive,
to our potential,
the joy of life and the opportunities that bring
changes in the world along with it.
If you also find this a good idea, then click on
Facebook "like" me
Thank you!
Back to the myth.
Please think not mean I am against a lot of money.
Far from it. We discuss this to make people
more successful. But
the money is there to live more comfortably.
It is more comfortable with money.
But money itself does not meet his millionaire, free
not like his Purpose
live in an active activity.
So I wish you that you will find the activity or
have already found one, you like to exercise daily,
matter how much money you have in the account.
Wolfgang Sonnenburg
winning for life
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