Friday, February 25, 2011

What Does A Peirced Nipple Meen

What's the Purpose?

love Winning Friends for Life, it must have been

example in 1993 when I with my BMW 850i had to stop at a red light and next to me as much a 850i to a halt. I looked to the side and thought. "Wow, but it has done." Only shortly afterwards, I realized that I was sitting in the same car.

And then it went "click".

I had an office building to the right place, the car, ... the perfect exterior facade of success.

Steven Covey writes in his bestseller, "The 7 Habits of Highly succesfull people" that in 1920 the world changed from the character ethic to Image Ethics. And I was also just gone into this trap.

were for centuries as the basis for success traits taught and practiced. Then it tipped over, and it became more and more about the "appearance" of success. My personal

"Traffic light click" led to a radical change in my life. Not so the focus is on the outside, but it was more about the interior. One could simply say to the meaning of life.

We now define simple, it's about the Purpose.

To the very essence that we carry within us the special gift we have to bear in the world. And the fascinating thing is after I began to live more from inside to outside, the greater was the material success. Well-known examples are situated in the economic success of Germany as the "Aldi brothers." What antics, and appearances are known?

you were the richest Germans. And Warren E. Buffett, the legendary investor, despite his billions a prime example of humility.

Depakene Chopra told me once when I was a guest at his home in San Diego, when I asked how he with what he taught in could live a big house, you can use all the prosperity, if he is there, but if he is not there, well ok.

So the question is not, we must do this or that, but what is the real purpose.

If the sequence is of life from the inside out economic success, then fine, enjoy it. If the material success to be the meaning of life should, then something is mistaken.

Bob Proctor, who this year will be there when Winspirationday in Zurich said it always so again based Business ". The purpose of a company is never money
First Order in a company profit is simply not the purpose of existence of the company.
So when we speak today of meaning and relate only to the private lives, we have perhaps the largest share of our lifetime.

the purpose finding process that we offer, we offer not only for individuals but especially for companies. For the purpose of a company should decide on the company's internal job design, marketing, mergers, etc.. A company that workplace design has prescribed in this sense and to look ahead and the changes in the workplace to involve the Free-Style AG in Zurich.

Why go wrong most of the mergers?

is because the reason for the merger only on the bid level.

Go to work only because you have to pay bills, it is usually not life more to offer than work and paying bills.

Our experience is that easier with the clarity of purpose in private life, many decisions but it should be for companies to base of marketing, because these firms are much more profitable.

life Purpose of the leads to greater personal fulfillment and more sustainable economic success.

given in the next blog then some more. For the next few days, it might be a good task to discover their own purpose. Yes discover, for it is there, it is its own essence, nothing that needs to be defined.

Enjoy living your purpose!


Wolfgang G. Sonnenburg

wining for life



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